Monday, November 16, 2009

How can i find viola notes????

I am looking for a web sites with fingering for viola nots or if some one knows a bunch i would like to know them?


How can i find viola notes????
CGDA...just like a violin--only it has no high E-and has that low C string...

I love viola--it's got such a nice pleasant , mellow sound...It can be classical-then take a weekend off for a bluegrass festival-and you can fiddle people socks off...Started last in 4the grade--graduated high school first chair viola...

If you learn Viola--you can also figure out mandolin--which is WAY cool (listen to Nichol Creek!)

I put a link for you-it has a fingering chart..C is the bottom-low fat string--A is the high school-you will have A memorized-and you may find yourself humming A--when the orchestra tunes up...and if you don't watch it--they may tune to they did me...I got asked to hum A for the entire orchestra...I don't know if that was embarrassing--or funny...maybe lets go with funny.

My last concert--I hummed A with a kazoo. YOU are going to have fun..!

My daughter plays viola now--if I behave I get to play hers.

Her high school has the Seniors help beginners-and they give inexpensive lessons to 4th graders..which is really a neat way to get new kids started..I also recommend you ask your director for recommendations for an adult who give lessons.

Have fun with Eine Kleine Nacht was my favorite. 30 years later(!) I still know the viola part...

Oh--Listen to Garrison Kieller on Prarie Home Companion...The CD on "Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra"'s fairly funny..

Music and Art are just like any other subject--just like Math-Baseball-----THE MORE YOU DO IT THE BETTER YOU GET...

Talent never fall like Manna on any one--you have to work to get it...fortunately--music and art--like base ball--are fun...Math...well--that's what calculators are for.

Have fun!

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