Thursday, November 12, 2009

Should I play viola or cello???

i'm in my school's strings program, and i am deicding whether i want to play viola or cello. I have played violin for 8 years, and know how to read bass clef as well... no clue of alto clef..

i have kinda small hands, so i need a 3/4 cello, which they have.. there are 1 or 2 violinists, 2 violists (as of now, i'm playing viola) and 2 cellists... and maybe 1 bassist.


i know how to play cello as well...

Should I play viola or cello???
If you already play cello and you already read bass clef, that is the obvious choice unless you are looking for new challenges. Viola is not as difficult to read as you might think, the note is actually one space down from where it would be in the bass clef ( an open D in bass clef would be a middle C in alto or C clef)

If you have small hands it might actually be easier to play Cello, especially if a three quarter size is available. You can always get a 13" Viola though, so that really isn't an issue unless there are only full size Violas available.

Simple shortcut to learning Viola by the way. Lines from the bottom to the top - F - A - C - E - G (Face (G)uard) Spaces from below the staff to the space above the staff E - G - B - D - F - A Empty Garbage Before Dad Freaks Again!

The indentation of the clef actually points in to Middle C.

Same mnemonics, different clef Bass clef for Cello!

Add one ledger line below the staff E - G - B - D - F - A Empty Garbage Before Dad Freaks Again Without the ledger line - G - B - D - F - A Good-Bye Dear Found Another Spaces from below the staff to the top space within the staff

F- A - C - E - G (Face Guard) From below and above the staf F - A - C - E - G - B (Face Gar-Bage)

Hope this helps.
Reply:Depends on how big of the instrument you want to play. The cello is much bigger than a viola. But a viola is right beside one of your ears witch that can give you a wicked headache.Belive me, I know. I used to play the viola. But they are both kind of the same. Because thay both are played by a bow. The only differencess are the size and the highness and lowness of the sound.
Reply:Honestly, I would say you should go with the viola, but to the end of the day, the one you feel comfortable with, and the one you feel is "your instrument"

Bye! Good Luck!
Reply:I would try both instruments out maybe with the same teacher and decide which you feel most comfortable or connected to. If you can't decide, why not play both!

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